Our region deserves a balanced approach to clean air—Paul Savas
Paul Savas writing for the Clackamas Review:
I have been testing tailpipe emissions since 1975. One aspect of my business for over 25 years was specializing in fuel efficient products that reduced emissions, and we were one of the first to register with DEQ’s vehicle emission testing program. As a business owner I made significant investments in specialized testing equipment that measured toxic emissions and CO2. Having expertise in auto and truck emission systems not only resulted in compliance with emissions standards, but we also strived to exceed the standards while increasing fuel economy.
Technological advances have made today’s vehicles powered by internal combustion engines now capable of near zero emissions, provided of course that the vehicle is moving at normal speeds, not stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Traffic congestion reduces fuel economy, resulting in millions of gallons of wasted fuel, and is a large contributor of vehicle produced CO2 emissions and toxics such as nitrogen oxides…(read more)