Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce Endorses Paul Savas for Re-Election
Paul Savas has a long history of service to Clackamas County. As a business
owner, he is keenly aware of the need for a business-friendly environment
and sound economic policies. He has worked aggressively the past four years
on the commission to improve the business climate of the county and has been
a strong voice in support of policies that has spurred economic activity in
the private sector. Commissioner Savas co-chairs the Clackamas County
Coordinating Committee, which is a collaborative body of local governments
that helps coordinate transportation and land-use issues in the county. He
is respected across the region for his ability to communicate and work
effectively with people who may not always agree with him. He has been a
strong advocate for the Aurora State Airport, and protecting the four
hundred jobs of county residents at that facility. Commissioner Savas
supported the creation of Wilsonville’s economic development TIF zones,
land-use changes necessary for a new middle school to be built, the
expansion of Wilsonville’s Urban Growth Boundary to include new housing
opportunities at Advance Road/Frog Pond, and will advocate for industrial
development in the Coffee Creek and Basalt Creek areas. All of these items
are chamber priorities, and because of this, he has earned our endorsement.
Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce