Letters to the Editor: Honest commitment to good governance
Clackamas Review – April 23rd, 2014
Honest commitment to good governance
I write in support of two candidates to the Clackamas County Commission, Jim Bernard and Paul Savas. Both men have demonstrated the qualities necessary to effectively govern our county.
They come from different parties but work together for the common good. They offer a business background, concern for people, jobs, and the environment, can disagree without being disagreeable and negotiate and compromise in good faith. They are not ideologues, but citizen representatives.
When the Clackamas River Water Board was in chaos, they stepped up and took the political risk of appointing new members to the board in order to bring the district under control with members that understood their roles and that had a commitment to the ratepayers.
Having watched them on other issues, both Jim and Paul have shown that same honest commitment to the citizens of Clackamas County and to good, effective government. They have earned our respect and our votes. I enthusiastically encourage my fellow voters, of either party, to support these men in their re-election bids.
Kenneth Humberston, Unincorporated Oregon City
Wilsonville Spokesman – April 23, 2014
Savas has ‘ true public servant’s heart’
Clackamas County Commissioner Paul Savas is a man of vision, honor, and integrity. Over the last three years on the commission, Paul has earned a reputation as a thoughtful and pragmatic problem-solver, who is willing to move beyond partisan politics in order to do what’s best for Clackamas County. We should feel fortunate to have a County Commissioner with a true public servant’s heart. On May 20th, I ask that you join me in re-electing Paul Savas for Clackamas County commissioner, Position 2.
Jon Kloor, Wilsonville